Sunday, January 16, 2011


Today makes it 188 days until the wedding.  And while the house is still in the final stages of renovation I have been figuring out what am I going to do about this wedding, there are still so many details to figure out.  My next task is to figure out the best place to rent the tent(s), chairs and tables then figure out table settings, we still have invites and favors.  I am totally going with plastic table settings as we will be outside and I have no desire to rent those items.  Also today I will be attending my first bridal show- a co-worker of mine agreed to come along for the ride, and I anticipate to take in quite a few ideas and figure out my last vendors or at the very least have more direction in what we can do to finish up the major stuff.  I have been deciding about some of the minor details, in my opinion, deciding whether or not to order a cake serving set to cut the cake but we definitely will not feed each other.  I have also found that there are a lot of cheesy love/wedding things out there.  I received a magazine and liked some of the designs but then the wording was too much for me (two hearts, best friends, etc.), oh gag me!  Sorry I am not a cheesy person and I know that maybe at one point I was but then I grew up.   I need to get to my list of things that need to get done and what has been completed.  There are also quite a few traditional wedding things that we are opting out of and a couple I am debating on.  Traditionally you would have a Bible given to the couple, I am on the fence on this one so I think that if my mom does not say anything than we can opt out of it- I have issues with sharing.  I figure that since we are not doing a lot of the traditional things why should we have to do others.  There will be NO bouquet or garter toss, no feeding of the cake, no flower girl, no exchanging of the rings.  Heck my best friend is a man so you know this one will be slightly different. 

I think I am beginning to stress myself out so to change the subject. 

Yesterday we went up to Illinois State University to see a basketball game and got to see my friend Chris for a little bit, yes that was nice.  Mostly because its Chris and we made it out of Barton and he is finishing up grad school.  I hope to see him in May but if not hopefully at the wedding.  He is so great to talk to.

*My good deed for the week was cleaning up the snow in the driveway Tuesday night after getting home before Darren.  I felt sneaky, thinking he might show while I was shoveling.  But I worked up an appetite and felt great about myself.  This may not happen ever again.  I would have taken a photo but then I got inside and out of the boots to make my dinner.  I also ate 2 doughnuts-I figured I worked for them.

*I am counting down until the arrival of Malissa and then Chad and the rest of the men will be in town for winter fest for a 3rd year.  This means wedding planning and then a good night downtown.  I will also be celebrating Malissa's birthday while she is here.

*This Thursday will be the 2nd of 3 fitness boot camps that Doc gave the team as part of our Christmas gift.  I am still feeling this past Thursday's workout and am beginning to believe that wearing heels did not help the healing process.

*This Thursday will also be our first Counseling session- I am both nervous and anxious to see how exactly this works.  And what the homework will be all about.

*Its day 16 in January and we have yet to take any photos, we are slacking but that will change soon.


  1. What will be in place of exchanging rings? I like the idea of not having it. It's unique. Haven't been to a wedding yet where that hasn't happened. :)

  2. I don't know if anything will actually take it's place. But with some of the ceremony being translated into Spanish I think people will not realize what we left rather how we made it different from other weddings.
