Friday, May 31, 2013

Meet Mc

Short for my momma car, she is my new ride and so far our relationship is working out exceptionally well.  I had to think about a name that meant she made it into my heart and well I started calling her my mom car because of the convenience that comes with her model and space I never thought about.  She has some sparkle to make her black exterior glisten in the sun, connects to my iPhone and of course the 4 doors and back loading that makes it plentiful for all the crazy errands I run.  But of course Darren's favorite part is how she can change light colors through the interior, does not matter if its daylight and you can't tell, he is already playing with the switch.
I think MC and I are going to have some great memories and hopefully she is up for the challenge for years to come.  

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Well rounded

I started doing some research on what foods should be consumed by a distance runner.  The week of the mini marathon, Darren cuts out soda and drinks water.  Well I was thinking how hard it is to carbo load him in his preparation of 13.1miles (from downtown Indy, thru speedway, around the track and back to the center of the city) as he does not eat pasta and he crashes after its all over.  I do not know if its age or just his bodies reaction of needing being completely fueled, I am going with his lack of fulfilling his bodies needs as men is are supposed to become better runners with age.  Either way I came up with some light options for dinner and kept fruit on hand to grab and go.  Making protein a priority as well as veggies in order to have a well rounded nutrients for his body to store and use on the long run.  It ended up being a success for a staring point as Darren dropped about 4 minutes since last year but of course the weather was quite a bit cooler making the run much more manageable.  For my hard work Darren will be taking me to a musical of my choice come fall.  And I will get to do this meal plan all over again for his 7 miler in the middle of summer while pushing him to eat all that's on his plate.