Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Today is Conor's THIRD birthday and I was thinking about the long birth that I endured to the moment when we found out we had a boy.  And although it took us a long time from hospital admittance to meeting him, it was a huge day in the fact that all the anticipation was going to come to an end.
Then I started thinking how people always say, "Where has the time gone?!" And I was thinking to myself I don't feel that wow moment of my son growing up but rather I was thinking about how up and down of a morning we had and also about all the fun stuff we have done together and the many memories we have had since he arrived.
While today was rough, and now that he is in bed I know that the good outweighs the bad and my sweet tooth, train loving, Toby Mac singing (we have listened to one album on replay for a couple months now) big cheesing little boy has helped us make some pretty amazing memories.
Conor has been singing happy birthday to himself for a few weeks now and making cakes from fruit or veggie straws and loved that we sang to him today before our sweet treat of birthday cake.

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