I was looking over todays Love Challenge and just happend to receive and give Kindness and Patience. Patience was yesterdays challenge, and with each day the previous day/s challenge is added to the current day. I was not able to hear todays challenge on my way to work as I had been pre-occupied with arriving to work in a timely and safe manner.
Through the morning the snow had accumalated and the trucks could not get the roads cleared up and I had to be patient on my way as I was going about 30 mph on 465 when I usually go about 60. And when it came to lunch time, I did not take any in, and was not too pumped about having to head out in the snow that was still falling a co-worker shared parts of her meal and we ransack the fridge. I ended up eating a banana, applesauce, goldfish, cashews and I had about 3 bottles of water to make it through the day. I also had to call in on my ticket for tonights showing, we are to receive more snow through the hours I would be downtown, a lady helped and waived fees for a seat upgrade to next Friday's showing and for changing dates as I purchased the ticket with my gift certificate. Towards the end of the day, the last hour and a half of patients either came in early or were rescheduled, Dr went out and cleaned off our cars while we were finishing up in the office. There were 4 of us lovely ladies with him today and he cleaned his car plus ours. Again I received. On my way home I realized I needed to stop by the bank and called Darren about dinner plans, and I picked up some Little Ceasars and breadsticks. I finally gave today. I do a lot of little things in the office but this one topped our night, as I got to share it with my Love.
So far I like this challenge especially since some are just habitual and also a reflection of how wonderfully I was raised.
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