Wednesday, January 6, 2010

woo woo

So after much delay and the opportunity to get out of work early, after getting the okay with Dr this morning I went to take care of my school payment. Thank goodness the line was short and it only took me about 15 minutes or so. Although no one could help me with getting information for 2010 academic calendar!? I want to know when spring break is, its kind of vital that I know as I need to prepare for Florida in March,get the days off from work and schedule a flight if necessary But one step closer to being ready when I start my classes next week. I am only taking two classes, Anatomy and Physiology and Medical terminology which will be an online course. Anatomy wil be on Saturdays, bright and early for a 8am class-12, plus the drive which is about 30 minutes. But I am excited. Just have to get my ID, I refused to get it today cause I did not have my face on. I do miss the easy days of being a tradtional student, it was easily/already taken care of but now I am on my own. Thanks to my folks I ordered books earlier this week. I am ready though. Its exciting and look forward to meeting some enthuased people ready for a new field in life.

Also must note that I made a delicious dinner. Darren was making the quesadillas went to sit and play on the internet which meant he was not watching them closely and burned them. SO he had to make a second batch as the first look to crispy for my taste. But the steak, made hispanic style, red potato's, made ala Zip & steam bags by Ziploc which happen to be amazing, were delicious. Now onto dessert, homemade chocolate chip cookies made by me.

All in all a good day, also looking into this, will talk to Darren about it. Its created for mostly married people but also for any person as they said on the christian station K-Love the link will take you directly to the 40 Day Love challenge and I think this would be great. Todays challenge is Love is Patient. LOoking forward to what else is to come.


  1. I love reading your blog! by the way, what is your new field of study? You have a degree in graphic arts, right?

  2. Also, did I miss something? You said you got the ok from Dr to go and pay for school. By Dr you mean doctor??

  3. Yes, I have my B.F.A. in Studio Art, emphasis graphic design and now am looking into Imaging sciences. A 2 year degree I am looking into possibly ultrasound, but not limiting myself.
    Yes Dr=Doctor as I work for an orthodontist and he owns the practice so I needed the OK to leave early.
